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果酱视频. Scholastica

Guided by the Benedictine heritage and values, the Campus Safety and Security Department provides our campus community with a safe, secure living, learning and working environment. They provide safety services and share information in a positive, professional, responsive and ethical manner.

Statistics and Reports

In this section you will find safety statistics and reports, as well as and .

On-Campus Crime Statistics for 果酱视频. Scholastica

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires the distribution of an annual campus security report to all current faculty, staff and students and notice of it’s availability to prospective students, faculty and staff.

The following statistics are provided to you as part of 果酱视频. Scholastica’s commitment to safety and security on campus. These statistics are compiled annually and include all reports of the following offenses received by Campus Security as well as from college officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus safety and security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters.

The Safety and Security Information Report is supplied in two formats; as a printable .pdf document by the 果酱视频, or through the Department of Education web site. The reports show the identical information:

  1. Printable .pdf versions by Campus

    To view and/or print, Adobe Acrobat reader () is required.
  2. This site requires that you search for The 果酱视频 of Saint Scholastica by name. Please copy and paste our name for ease of searching as typed here:The 果酱视频 of Saint Scholastica

If you have any questions or would like a copy of a Safety and Security Information Report on any of our campuses, contact Mike Turner, 218-723-6387, mturner@css.edu.

Minnesota’s Sexual Harassment and Violence Policy

In accordance with Minnesota’s Sexual Harassment and Violence Policy statute, Minn Stat. 搂135.A15, all postsecondary institutions are required to annually report statistics on sexual assault to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education as well as to their campus community. Data privacy laws require that data be suppressed and noted if the number is fewer than 10 students. The Minnesota Office of Higher Education defines sexual assault as rape, fondling and statutory rape. It is important to note that this report has different definitions than Clery so the data from the two reports may differ.

罢丑别听聽plus additional information about the report is available from the Office of Higher Education.

Campus Safety Authority Report

Campus Security Authorities

According to a federal law known as the聽Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act,聽CSS and all college/universities receiving federal student financial aid funds are required to disclose “statistics concerning the occurrence of certain criminal offenses reported to local law enforcement agencies or any official of the institution who is defined as a ‘Campus Security Authority.’”

The law defines “Campus Security Authority” as “An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.” Federal guidance notes that a dean of students, a director of athletics, a team coach, or a faculty advisor to a student group also have significant responsibility for student and campus activities. A single teaching faculty member is unlikely to have significant responsibility for student or campus activities except when serving as an advisor to a student group or as students’ academic advisor. Clerical staff, as well, are unlikely to have a significant responsibility for student and campus activities as defined by the Clery Act.

Crimes may be reported to persons on campus who have been designated as having significant responsibility for student and/or campus activities. Each will be responsible for forwarding campus crime reports to the Safety and Security Manager or Campus Security for investigation and campus crime reporting in compliance with the Campus Security Act.

Find and complete .

Note: There are two types of individuals who, although they may have significant responsibility for students and campus activities, are not campus security under the Clery Act

Pastoral counselor:聽A person who is associated with a religious order of denomination, is recognized by that religious order or denomination as someone who provides confidential counseling, and is functioning within the scope of that recognition as a pastoral counselor.

Professional counselor:聽A person whose official responsibilities include providing mental health counseling to member of the institution’s community and who is functioning within the scope of the counselor’s license or certification. This definition applies even to professional counselors who are not employees of the institution, but are under contract to provide counseling at the institution.

Emergency Response Guide

These emergency procedures are designed to provide members of the St. Scholastica community and the public with a ready-to-use reference on how to respond in case of an emergency on our campus.

Campus safety and emergency preparedness are responsibilities that we all share. All community members are critical in keeping students, faculty, staff and our guests safe on campus.

Help Do Your Part

If you see something, say something.

  • Reporting crimes, suspicious behavior and safety concerns to the St. Scholastica Department of Campus Safety and Security help keep us all safe
  • Program your phone with local emergency numbers
  • Don鈥檛 be afraid to make a report if something doesn鈥檛 look or feel right

Plan Ahead

  • Now is the time to think about what you would do in an emergency
  • Take a few minutes to read through these procedures and consider how you would respond
  • Consider personal safety and community preparedness to be a responsibility of living and working on our campus

Emergency Response Numbers

Report an Emergency

  • Police, Fire or Emergency Medical Services
    Call 911
  • St. Scholastica Department of Campus Safety and Security

Off-Campus Resources

  • Duluth Police Department
  • UMD Police Department
  • Mental Health Support
    844-772-4724 or 9-8-8

Active Shooter or Active Intruder

Run If You Can

  • If there is an escape path, attempt to evacuate
  • Evacuate whether others agree to it or not
  • Leave your belongings behind
  • Help others escape if possible
  • Prevent others from entering the area
  • Call 911 when you are safe

Hide If You Cannot Run

  • Lock and/or barricade the door
  • Silence your cell phone
  • Hide behind large objects
  • Remain very quiet
  • Your hiding place should:
    • Be out of the shooter鈥檚 view
    • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction
    • Do not trap or restrict your options for movement

Fight Only If You Must

  • As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger
  • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
  • Act with physical aggression
  • Improvise objects to be weapons
  • Throw items, if possible
  • Commit to your actions

Call 911 when it is safe to do so. You can also text 911 if you are unable to make a voice call.

When Help Arrives

  • Remain calm and follow instructions
  • Keep your hands visible at all times
  • Avoid pointing or yelling
  • Know that help for the injured is on its way

Alcohol Poisoning or Drug Overdose

If you suspect an individual of experiencing alcohol poisoning or a drug overdose, immediately call 911 and then the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723-6175.

How to tell if an individual has alcohol poisoning:

  • If the individual is breathing less than 13 times per minute or stops breathing for periods of 8 seconds or more
  • If the individual is asleep and you are unable to wake them up
  • If the individual鈥檚 skin is cold, clammy, pale or bluish in color
  • If the individual is continually vomiting (repeated, uncontrolled)

If you suspect an individual of experiencing alcohol poisoning or a drug overdose:

  • Do not leave them alone
  • Do not move them
  • Do not allow them to drive
  • Do not give them food, liquid, medicines or drugs
  • Do not give them a cold shower

Bomb Threats

Remain calm! Use the checklist below to record information concerning the bomb threat and have the list ready for the authorities when they arrive.

Anyone discovering a suspicious object or receiving a bomb threat should immediately call the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723-6175 or call 911.

Do not evacuate the building unless directed to do so by the Department of Campus Safety and Security or Law Enforcement.

If a suspicious object is discovered, you should:

  • NOT attempt to touch or move the object
  • Evacuate the immediate area
  • Notify the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723-6175 or call 911

If a bomb threat is received by phone, ask:

  • Where is the bomb located?
  • When is the bomb going to explode?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What does it look like?
  • Why did you place the bomb?

What will happen next?

  • Appropriate persons will make a building search
  • Campus Safety and Security personnel and/or law enforcement investigator will contact and interview the individual who received the bomb threat
  • An evacuation may occur
  • When authorized, the Department of Campus Safety and Security or law enforcement will give the all-clear signal

Record the following information for the Department of Campus Safety and Security or law enforcement:

  • Date and time of call
  • Exact words the caller used
  • Speech pattern and accent
  • Background noises and description (music, people talking, cars or trucks, airplanes, children or babies, machine noise, typing, etc.)

Chemical Spill

Contact the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723-6175 and provide the following information.

  • Building name
  • Floor
  • Room number
  • Type of accident
  • Chemical(s) involved

If you have contact with the spilled material, remove any contaminated clothing immediately and flush all areas of bodily contact with large amounts of water. Continue for 15 minutes.


Treat all alarms as though they are real. Even if you don鈥檛 see anything, you never know if there is trouble elsewhere in the building.

  • Evacuate, if possible, through the nearest exit
  • Move at least 100 feet clear of the building and stay out of the way of rescuers and firefighters
  • Do not re-enter the building until there is an all-clear signal from the Fire Department or the Department of Campus Safety and Security

If there is smoke:

  • Test the door with the back of your hand 鈥 if it is hot, stay inside
  • Stay close to the floor
  • Cover your face and nose

If you are forced to stay in the room, proceed with the following:

  • Use wet clothing or towels to seal the crack under the door
  • Open or break open your window and hang a shirt or a bedsheet out of the window to attract the attention of rescuers
  • Call 911 and provide your location

In the case of fire:

  • Do not jump out of the window if you are on an upper level
  • Wait for rescuers to come to you
  • Cover your face with a wet towel or piece of clothing and breathe through your nose
  • Wet a blanket, sheet or other large item and drape it over your shoulders
  • Crawl or crouch low to the floor
  • If your clothing catches fire, stop, drop and roll to put the flames out. Use a coat or blanket to smother flames.
  • Cool (not cold) water may be applied to minor burns

Medical Emergency

Call 911, and then the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723-6175 and provide the following information:

  • Building location
  • Type of injury, illness or symptoms

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Know where AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillators) are located
  • Do not move the injured individual unless they are in a life-threatening situation
  • Communicate with individual(s) in your area who are trained in first aid or CPR and who are available for assistance

Mental Health Emergency or Crisis

Mental Health Emergency

A mental health emergency is a life-threatening situation in which an individual is imminently threatening harm to self or others, is severely disoriented or out of touch with reality, has a severe inability to function or is otherwise distraught and out of control.

Call 911, and then call the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723- 6175, provide the following information:

  • Building location
  • Description of the behavior(s), situation and individual(s) involved

Mental Health Crisis

A mental health crisis is a non-life-threatening situation in which an individual is exhibiting extreme emotional disturbance or behavioral distress, considering harm to self or others, is disoriented or out of touch with reality, has a compromised ability to function or is otherwise agitated and unable to be calmed.

  • Call St. Scholastica Counseling Services at 218-723-6085 and state that you have an individual in crisis. (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m.)
  • Escort the individual to Counseling Services located in Tower Hall Room 2150 or let Counseling Staff know your location
  • Call 988 for Crisis Mental Health Support
After Hours or on Weekends
  • For medical or safety emergencies call 911, and then contact the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723-6175
  • Call 988 for Crisis Mental Health Support or text MN to 741741
  • Duluth and surrounding area, Crisis Mental Health Support: 1-844-772-4724

If possible, remain with the individual until help arrives or the individual is connected to support resources.

Electronic Communication Circumstances

If an individual in a mental health emergency or mental health crisis is contacting you by email, text, voice or video communication:

  • Attempt to get the individual鈥檚 name, phone number and location
  • Keep the conversation going while you get someone鈥檚 attention and, depending on the level of urgency, seek professional help using the resources listed above
  • Contact 911 for medical and safety concerns

Sexual Assault

If you have been sexually assaulted, you should:

Seek medical attention at a local emergency room. Request a Sexual Assault Exam from a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Practitioner) Nurse.

If you are in immediate danger:

Call 911 right away or the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723-6175.

Options and Considerations

  • Contact an advocate through a crisis hotline, such as RAINN: 1-800-656-4673 or PAVSA in Duluth: 218-726-1931
  • Understand that you have the right to report an on or off-campus sexual assault to local law enforcement
  • Get medical help. You may also have physical injuries that need attention or concerns about pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.
  • If you were sexually assaulted, physical evidence can be gathered up to 72 hours after an assault by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. Consider not showering and bringing any clothing or other evidence to the exam.
  • Consider meeting with the Title IX Coordinator, the Department of Campus Safety and Security or an Official with Authority (such as the Dean of Students) to obtain information about the St. Scholastica Sexual Misconduct Policy and Complaint Procedures
  • Seek support and counseling. There are a variety of resources on- and off-campus that can assist you.

Confidential Resources

  • St. Scholastica Counseling Services: 218-723-6085 (Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to
    4:30 p.m.)
  • St. Scholastica Student Health Services; 218-723-6282 (Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
  • (Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault): 218-726-1931 (24/7 Crisis Hotline)
  • RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network): 1-800-656-4673 (24/7 Crisis Hotline with chat available at )
  • More information can be found at css.edu/titleix

Severe Weather

In the event the National Weather Service issues a severe weather warning, it will be necessary to move to a sheltered area.

Severe weather warnings will be communicated through local civil defense sirens and Saints Alert messages. Be aware that messages can come at any time of day or night.

During a severe weather warning contact the Department of Campus Safety and Security with emergencies only.

In the Event of Severe Weather

When a tornado or severe weather warning is issued, seek shelter immediately in the nearest building:

  • In interior hallways
  • In lower level of building (away from windows)
  • In bathrooms or interior rooms
  • Stay in the shelter until the weather warning has expired or Department of Campus Safety and Security staff notifies you that the weather warning has expired

Awareness is Your Best Defense

  • Administrative staff will issue severe weather warnings based on information received from the National Weather Service and St. Louis County Emergency Management
  • Do not rely solely on sirens as a form of notification. It is important to follow all instructions via your electronic devices or authorities during a severe weather warning. Be patient waiting for the warning to expire.
  • Keep your 鈥渆ye on the sky鈥
  • Watch TV reports and/or listen to your electronic devices for weather updates
  • Monitor radar maps and updates on severe weather on your computer or cell phone
  • Remember that some radar images can be up to 15 minutes old
  • Be aware of the location of your shelter areas
  • If you hear civil defense sirens sounding, move to lower-level areas of the building that you are in and stay clear of windows
  • Fire alarms will not be used to announce a severe weather warning
  • Respond to instructions provided by Department of Campus Safety and Security staff or other emergency professionals

Suspicious Person or Activity

Suspicious Person

If you see a suspicious person on campus, call the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723-6175 or call 911.

Report as much information as possible:
  • The location
  • The activity of the individual(s)
  • Physical and clothing description of those involved
  • Vehicle description and license plate number as applicable
  • Direction of travel when last seen, etc.

Do not approach the suspicious person.

Crime in Progress

If you observe a crime or believe a crime is in progress, immediately call 911, and then call the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723-6175.

Report as much information as possible:
  • The location
  • The activity of the individual(s)
  • Physical and clothing description of those involved
  • Weapons involved
  • Vehicle description and license plate number as applicable
  • Direction of travel when last seen, etc.

Do not approach or attempt to apprehend the person(s) involved.

Utility Failure

In the event of utility failure (water, electric, heat) call the Facilities Desk at 218-723-6106. After hours or on weekends call the Department of Campus Safety and Security at 218-723-6175. If a power outage impacts the campus phone system, use your cell phone to call.

Be prepared to give:

  • Building name
  • Floor
  • Room number(s)
  • Nature of problem
  • Contact information (you will be notified if further action is needed)

HEERF Funding

The CARES Act designates funds under the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund to provide, among other things, direct grant assistance to students due to coronavirus.

果酱视频. Scholastica

Main Campus

1200 Kenwood Avenue
Duluth, MN 55811
United States
